KARL STORZ Foundation

The conviction that economic success and social responsibility are not mutually exclusive, but rather intertwined, has always been the ethical foundation for KARL STORZ's corporate endeavors. On this principle, KARL STORZ, as a globally positioned family-owned company, has been supporting medical, humanitarian, scientific, social, and cultural projects around the world for many years.
With the establishment of the independent Foundation “KARL STORZ Stiftung” by Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz, daughter of the company founder, Dr. med. h. c. Karl Storz, and her son, Karl-Christian Storz, charitable activities are to be further developed, structurally and organizationally bundled, and legally separated from the KARL STORZ company. The foundation was established under civil law in October 2023 and is based in Tuttlingen.
The foundation should promote science, research and education and training, along with general innovations in the field of medical technology. One focus will be the promotion of patient-friendly, minimally invasive treatment methods, the advancement of knowledge about these methods and their practical application, and further development.
Furthermore, the foundation seeks to provide support for medical aid projects, especially in less developed countries and regions, aimed at improving local healthcare systems. The foundation also intends to support humanitarian and social projects, including those related to family, women’s empowerment, youth, education, culture, and sports. The support will be focused on the Tuttlingen region, where the roots of the globally successful company are located. The foundation also operates the TUTORAMA Museum for children in Tuttlingen, opened in July 2023, to foster young people’s interest in the STEM field and inspire passion for science and technology within the local community.
Purpose of the foundation
The Foundation is currently in the detailed development phase and aims to engage with particular focus on the following areas:
- Public health system and health care
- Science and research in medical and life sciences, medical technology, physics, engineering, and related disciplines
- Youth and elderly welfare
- Art and culture
- Education, public and vocational training
- Nature conservation and environmental protection
- Development cooperation
- Promotion of family
- Sports
Foundation Organs
The organs of the Foundation are the Board of Directors and the Foundation Council.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors comprises a minimum of two and a maximum of three members. The members of the initial Board of Directors are appointed by the founders. Subsequent members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Foundation Council. Board members serve for a term of three years, with the possibility of reappointment. The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Foundation's affairs. This includes the proper administration of assets and the utilization of funds in accordance with the articles of association and applicable laws. Its duties include all affairs of the foundation.
The members of the Board of Directors are: Dr. h.c. mult. Sybill Storz (Chair) and Stefan Ort
Foundation Council
The Foundation Council comprises two to five members who are appointed for a period of three years. The members of the initial Foundation Council are appointed by the founders. If a member of the Foundation Council resigns, the successor is elected immediately by the remaining members of the Foundation Council (co-optation). The Foundation Council's role is to advise and oversee the Board of Directors.
The members of the Foundation Council are: Karl-Christian Storz (Chair) and Ortwin Guhl
Imprint & Contact
Foundation under civil law
Dr.-Karl-Storz-Str. 34
78532 Tuttlingen
Phone: +49 (0)7461 708-0
E-mail: stiftung@karlstorz.com
Representative body/board of directors: Dr. h.c. mult. Sybill Storz (Chair), Stefan Ort
Responsible supervisory authority: Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 167, Basler Hof, 79098 Freiburg i. Br.