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Achievements of Dr. Sybill Storz recognized by two prestigious awards


State Premier Kretschmann presents the Order of Merit to Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz

Tuttlingen, 04 May 2014. On Saturday, 03 May, 2014, a special honor was bestowed upon the entrepreneur Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz. At a ceremony in the Ordenssaal [Great Hall] of Schloss Ludwigsburg, Sybill Storz received the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg for her entrepreneurial and social achievements. State Premier Winfried Kretschmann awarded Sybill Storz this distinction in recognition of her many achievements as an entrepreneur as well as for her exemplary global involvement in social, scientific and cultural causes.

The Order of Merit – also referred to as the State Order – is the highest award presented by the state of Baden-Württemberg and is traditionally awarded around the state's founding date of April 25. The order is presented for outstanding service to the state of Baden-Württemberg, and the number of award holders is limited to a total of 1000 living persons.

Having already been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit (2010) and the Baden-Württemberg Industry & Commerce Medal of Honor (2007), the businesswoman felt greatly honored to once again be presented with such an important award: "I feel extraordinarily honored to receive this prestigious award. I am also very grateful that in my personal and business life, I have had the opportunity to utilize my sphere of influence for the benefit of the company as well as of society. My parents instilled in me strong values of sustainable entrepreneurship, and I am grateful that my activities have always been favored by fortune and courage. This award is also a great motivation to continue to make decisions and support projects that not only benefit the individual but also the common good in Baden-Württemberg," added Dr. h.c.mult. Sybill Storz.

Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz with her son Karl-Christian and representatives of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (from left to right) Dr. David Ward, Professor Norman Williams and Professor Michael Horrocks

A few weeks earlier, Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz received another well-known award in Europe. The renowned Royal College of Surgeons of England has admitted Sybill Storz to the exclusive circle of its Court of Patrons in a festive ceremony that took place in London on 13 March, 2014. This distinction honored the achievements of Sybill Storz in the support of medical training and continued education. The laudation speech particularly emphasized her close personal contacts with physicians and scientific institutions as well as her personal belief that the responsibility of the company does not end with the sale of the product.

The speaker stated that Sybill Storz stands for the company's tradition of continuously creating innovations that fully focus on the needs and demands of physicians performing endoscopy. He went on to describe her continuous support of training activities through her strategy of asking physicians to do the medical teaching and having KARL STORZ, as the medical device manufacturer, support this important task by supplying high quality products.

The Court of Patrons was established in 1956, and only 100 people have ever been admitted to this venerable body.